Qubit Victims Homepage
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why don't the team answer the people who has the hacker info although they stated they are waiting for people who could provide such info? https://www.reddit.com/r/PancakeBunny/comments/spucnk/ive_contacted_the_team_on_tox_and_no_response_yet/
https://debank.com/profile/0xba19a0f65e0cd2a5042bf12ecc93f9816884983d a superrich who lost 8510.12 ETH, almost 20m usd in this incident, 1/4 the whole loss. All his money are operated on Bunny, and transferred from/to Binance Hot Wallet. But such big guy still remain silent up to today!
why don't set bounty both for the hack and the people who helps us to find the hacker during the few days?
why don't audit all code before release to production like before? Why did the dev released the code with the knowledge the that the bridge part was not audited?
why modify the parameters in the contract without timelock and annoucement?
why did the moderator constantly remove the victims from official telegram group?
why did the team not contact the binance security team at the first place and other major swap/bridges on bsc to black hacker wallet address?
why did the team not report to korea police at the first place?
why did the team not stand out and solve the problems with victims together? And send only one customer service @moleh to remove most of victims?